Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Yard Update


We have been experiencing some lilies around the yard.

Our canna lily plants are growing beautifully and have propagated themselves quite nicely over the last few years. The blooms that go with these amazing variegated leaves will come later in the season.

The knock out roses are looking pretty. We thought one of our rose bushes was dead but she came back along with her siblings!

Our Empress of China dogwood is doing amazing! This is an evergreen dogwood which we are excited about since dogwoods typically lose their leaves in winter.

The rose of sharon plants are doing well too. Below is my favorite for its amazing colored foliage! These will bloom in the summer.

We bought the ti plant below as a houseplant when we first moved to South Carolina. We no longer have house plants since we don't like the little flies that come with them. However this one has survived in a pot outside since then (living in the garage in the cold months). Now she is in the ground! We may be able to cut her to the ground in winter, cover the roots and she may come back next year. We will see!

Another potted plant we have had for years now is this ornamental peach tree. Since SC grows the most peaches in the US I think she is going to flourish being in the ground now.

Our pollinator garden is coming together. Our stepping stones did not pan out as some broke or did not look right. We have to figure out what will work here to create a walking path through the garden.

We are trying to keep it as natural feeling as possible. Mulch would be a disaster here since we can get heavy rains and there are slight slopes in the yard. So grass will likely stay around the garden area.

Those are the canna lilies around the peach tree below. I am excited to see their tall orange flowers surrounding the tree this year!

Our butterfly bushes became overgrown and messy so Jim trimmed them up into a tree like shape and they are still happy! They are starting to flower so the neighborhood pollinators will be pleased.

The Japanese painted ferns are growing larger each year.

The ice plants are marvelous! This one of my favorite ground covers. The flowers constantly come and go throughout most of the year. Here they are kind of dying off until new buds open.

The sedum and hostas are super healthy.

The elephant ears die back to the ground in winter but will be taller than me again come fall.

We also added 2 pineapple guavas last week! Those are the darker trees along the fence. This evergreen has the most beautiful, unique flowers. The fruit? Guava that tastes like pineapple. Kind of awesome and not something you find in grocery stores!

That's it for now!

Have a marvelous day/evening (wherever you are on the clock)! ~Val


  1. Such gorgeous plants and flowers and your photos capture their beauty so well!

    1. Thank you Debra. I am excited to see the plants grow and more flowers bloom this season!

  2. Oh Val, it's just gorgeous. I love your choice of having it be natural but still cultivated. How exciting, this spring!

    1. Thank you Jeanie. I love what Jim is doing. I am just a consultant and enjoyer! Each year it is coming together more with the plantings growing and occasional additions.

  3. Really enjoyed seeing your photographs, lovely plants and flowers.

    All the best Jan

  4. lilies are colorful flowers...love it

  5. beautiful red and yellow.
    lovely flowers


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