Friday, December 10, 2021

Carolina Carillon Parade

The 68th Annual Carolina Carillon Parade took place in 2021 after being cancelled in 2020. Frosty made an appearance! At least I think this is Frosty. One of my favorite holiday characters as a little girl.

A parade is not complete without the state's queen.

I realized after decades of not attending a parade, that they never change! It's floats, businesses, organizations, marching bands, dancers, cheerleaders, paraders handing out candy to little ones and so on. Just like when I was a kid.

One of these years when we are pandemic free, I would love to see the Columbia Ballet Company perform The Nutcracker.

Some of the float goers were having a great time!

There was creativity.

Tacky fun! I love the gigantic Santa hat.
Mascots are important in parades.

Silly as well as sassy costumes.
This dance group below had my favorite outfits. So stylish!
Back in the day there would be classic cars in a parade. So this was a little different. Modern car clubs attended with creatively decorated vehicles. The metallic Corvette was quite cool. I am so not into cars so that says a lot.

The Chinese Association of Columbia marched with a dragon in beautiful traditional dress.

Of course a Christmas Parade must have a Santa in classic style! An old fire truck is a perfect sleigh for him with all its jolly red.

The USC cheerleaders performed as a filler for the local TV station between parade performances. We were close to the end but not close enough to see many performances.
The color coordination was well orchestrated with many groups.

The dance groups with little kids were the cutest!

I don't know how many pageants go on around here but there were a lot of queens of things!
Marching bands are a must in parades!
The float below read "vax up" on the back! A nice touch!

It was entertaining, holiday fun!

Have a marvelous day/evening (wherever you are on the clock)! ~Val


  1. That looks like a good time! Plus, you don't freeze to death while you're outside watching it -- bonus!

  2. I usually watch the Carolina Carillon Parade on TV, but I had no idea they already had it! Was it televised this year? I could've still been sleep lol, but I didn't even hear it being advertised on the news.

    1. I'm surprised the city didn't advertise it better after being cancelled in 2020. It was last Sunday and the broadcasting starting at 10am so it was early. We were close to the tv tent so we could hear them announcing. The cheerleaders were there as a fill in between parade acts so the viewers wouldn't get bored. It was entertaining!

  3. I love a good parade! I would follow up this parade with a visit to the Good Life Cafe over on Main Street (If it's still there).

    1. The Good Life Cafe is still there. I love how delicious they make vegan food!

  4. look fun .... good parade.

    Thank you for sharing beautiful photos...

  5. It looks fun but strange for me to see Christmas celebrations in sunny weather! I saw The Nutcracker here pre-corona. It was delightful!

    1. It is strange to be at holiday event here due to the weather. The Nutcracker is such a delight! It has been decades since I have watched it performed on stage.

  6. I really enjoyed seeing all of the fabulous photos you captured of the parade, the variety was really impressive. I think Frosty was my favorite too!

  7. This looks like such a fun parade to visit! Especially with the sunny weather - that's nice this time of year.


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