Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Halloween Fun

We witnessed a skeleton fraternity party along a local river walk. 

They were having a great time!

I don't know what these are below but they are dressed to trick or treat.

Our neighbors like to get in on the action too.

Some displays are quite elaborate!

Skeletons walk spiders on a leashes here.

The eyeball below is animated moving back and forth. 

This guy is placed perfectly to show a fantastic, creepy shadow on the house.

 A gigantic spider is attacking a skeleton here.
Cemetery scenes are an important element to Halloween decor.
Below didn't photograph well but there is an animated spider in the foreground that moves and makes creepy, creeky door noises that you hear in horror films.

Have a marvelous day/evening (wherever you are on the clock)! ~Val


First Thursday on Main

First Thursday on Main of June 2023 in Columbia, SC was filled with amusement! Each month, this is a celebration of art, music, food, local ...