Finally my last Charleston post! The Gateway Walk was created by The Garden Club in Charleston in 1930 marking the 250 year anniversary of the founding of Charles Town (as it was spelled then).
It spans 4 blocks in the city starting at St John's Lutheran Church on Archdale Street and the adjacent Unitarian Church.
My favorite part is the old graveyard of the Unitarian Church.
Its unkempt look gives it such beauty.
I just love how there are random flowers about.
In the springtime it is draped with wisteria and Spanish moss. Nature's delicate decor.
The next section is a beautiful walk with nooks and crannies.
Gates are locked between streets overnight to keep riff raff out (I assume).
The path then crosses King Street to the Charleston Library Society.Then the Gibbes Museum of Art.
Next you cross Meeting Street to the Circular Congregation Church which is a stunning structure!There was a newer section nearby that looks peculiar with the old headstones contrasted with new architecture.
The walk concludes across Church Street at the St. Phillips Episcopal Church. There was a lot of work going on there so we did not peruse those grounds. Yes there are tons of churches here.
Charleston is nicknamed the Holy City. There is no exact history on this name's origin. It seems that someone simply came up with the name one day and others started using it. It is wonderful to see that this is a completely tolerant city that people flock to for religious freedom.
Have a marvelous day/evening (wherever you are on the clock)! ~Val